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Small fights in relationship

In India people use to say "Small fights between married or non married couples fasten them together and intend them to realize- how hard it is to live alone without spouse". In general words small fights increase the closeness and increase the flavor of love in life. But always have precaution ..always short out every issues in relationship before it gets to late means turn worse.

But it all depends upon your way how you handle the issue.What you need to do is look at what you're fighting about. Having many small fights early on is not good in my opinion. If you're already bickering and fighting with each other, it may sometimes just get worse.
If you're fighitng over stupid things, its a problem. You have to pick your battles wisely. If you can't bend, compromise, deal with small stuff efficiently and let things go, etc..these things will keep coming up.

Relationships don't necessarily last longer because you fight earlier on. You may just have bigger and larger fights as the relationship progresses.
Sometimes two people just don't mesh togehter, with personalities, opinions, the way they deal and itneract. And only time will tell if you two can make it.

But ultimately, stop and look at what you're fighting about. How you deal with the issues you're fighting about.

Fighitng can be healthy and essential in a relationship. Only if the issues at hand are smething that needs to be disuccsed and worked through.

Fights are not the factor in break-up but the attitude by which you handle the situation. So my friends keep yourself away from these stupid fight 



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