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Showing posts from January 5, 2011

Do the breakfast like King

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as we all know because it helps to fulfill the energy need after a long night fasting. When  we wake up in the morning, all our energy is used up and hence we need new energy to go through our daily routine. Due to this breakfast is the first step to start a healthy and fruitful day full of energy. Students who do not eat breakfast can hamper their health because scarcity of energy can brings the health problem like gastroenteritis and low mental activity. Headache, sleepiness, stomach pain, muscle fatigue, etc. Indecisiveness, anger, anxiety, irritability, unhappiness, nervousness, lethargy, hostility, etc. are some other problems that can be seen in students who skip their breakfast. This process(process of skipping breakfast) slow down the learning process among students. There is direct correlation between the breakfast and test marks. Because a study said, students who take morning breakfast have a good learning capability be...