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Love, its

Love, this is really complicated thing as i think. Because we interpret this in wrong way.. Day before Yesterday  i asked my friend " Are yar tune ajj koi vade kiye ki nahi" His answer was " I don't have any girlfriend" ...I said " Its ok yar i also don't have any..but i have a crowd of people who love me . If someone loving me then its my duty to promise them for their wellbeing and i must care about their feeling "...Again he asked if you don't have girlfriend then how u can say that you have a fauj of people behind you". My answer was "My Family and my friends " I love them and in- turns they love me a-lot......

I said " Since our birth we feel the love in term of mother, Father, Brother and sisters, when we come out for study we come to new periphery where we come in to the contact of many people like Teacher, Friends and Even Peon of the colleges... a new kind of love and affection comes in to action and crowd of love starts bulging. You start caring them as a student, as a friend , as a class-met , as a boy to girls, at every step we make promise to help them and we ring the alarm for future help from them"

How did you feel when you come out of your home to join the job/college.?.How did you feel when some family member die in hospital? weep na ...why we weep ..
 Only answer of this question that we have " we love them and we expect them at every moment of your life "....
Ya there is one seat reserve for the lady with whom you fall in love or marry " But she individually can't be the universe of love for a man ...I don't know what people think all about this matter but my inner soul says that she is also the part of my love universe but can't be the universe of love....We are not animal who have attachment only for reproduction ..... We are human and thousands of things are in our way and at every step we have to share some love ....because we expect love in turn.....

So keep loving without the fear of losing it...always have time to express this ..Because this is important to shower the love on some one ....Go and enjoy the real love that is flourishing in to your heart and in your life ..Don't wait, some one is waiting to listen those kind of love word...Say I Love You a lot but never be confuse,every one is the part of your happy life so give equal part of love and pampering to alll.......

Happy Valentine Day  


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