Thousand of people fall in love every day and around 12 % people fall in long distance relationship...This is really tough kind of relationship in the history of life..No one is ready to become the Laxman or the Urmila of Laxman....No one is ready to live in long distance relationship today. The hardest part is the physical distance because it gets frustrating when you want the person you love to be around. Of course, you learn to deal with it maturely, but you always miss the person..
Man is a social animal and has not taken birth to remain in seclusion.Every one in today's life wants minimal distance between their love one.But if you are in long distance relationship then you will have to make a loyalty circle and will have to work out for a better solution to come out with the problem of long distance relationship and patience act as the healing part in this situation.But every thing depends upon the temparament of the couple and how they can handle the situation. Being true to yourself will save you and your loved one from unnecessary pain and heartache later on.
So define your boundaries, talk regularly and try to spend some quality time when you get some time ..This is the mantra of real happiness in love life .....Because love needs sacrifice ..Are you ready to sacrifice or not ?
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