Most of the people experience problem of muscle strain, eye pain, headache, eyestrain, tiredness, burning of eyes dryness, redness, eye twitching and problem of focusing on computer monitor after sitting long hours before computer while watching favorite program and due to official work. Such kind of problem is addressed by the the problem of Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS).
Constant focus on computer without frequent blinking eyes can cause above mentioned problem to the computer users.
Tips to Avoid this CVS
1) By Keeping monitors below the eye sight.
Constant focus on computer without frequent blinking eyes can cause above mentioned problem to the computer users.
Tips to Avoid this CVS
1) By Keeping monitors below the eye sight.
2) Keep proper distance from the computer Screen.
3) Zoom the text and readability of text if you are reading something on Screen
4) For better result use LCD instead of CRT
5) keep a break of 20 second after 20 to 30 minutes and after 20-30 minutes, splash some water to your eye to keep the liquidity of Eye Fluid.
6) Those who are suffering from focusing problem should use spectacles for better result.
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